Terms of Service
In order to protect the interests of the artist community as well as the sincere knowledge that in order to participate in the landscape of beauty, thought and humanitarian skill sets, autonomy is key. Art, like most “things” is a commodity. As is our current climate, it is imperative to recognize the history of lack (either in mind, body, spirit) artists have endured for the sake of their creations. In that vein, transparency is key.
By purchasing creations by Victoria Lee Case you are subject to by the admission of the act of purchase to agree to the following stipulations:
Once the object is your possession, it is yours for that time frame. When ownership exchanges hands a 10% of total purchase fee is to go directly to the Artist and/or her Family Trust for 90 years after the artist has deceased. Another 5% of total purchase fee is to go to support education in the humanities and arts and/or the non-profit of the Artist’s choice. By selling the purchaser the object in question, the rights are still solely owned by the Artist: Victoria Lee Case as well as any form such as images, promotions and publications of each piece can be used at her discretion. The artist, Victoria Lee Case and/or her Family Trust may advise on specific collaborations and image usage.
ALL AIR and AI RIGHTS are owned and reserved by the artist and/or her foundation.
Use only with Permissions.
In order to ensure the interests of you, our customer, we also see the imperative need to reiterate the commodity of data is not our game.
Great care has been taken to have your item delivered safely and promptly; if by some reason an issue arises, please email contact@victorialeecase.com